


A lot of groups play with musicians who create underscore for the players to spice up the scene. But what if there is no musician available, or you want something different than just the piano or guitar? In this workshop, you will explore the possibilities of working with playlists of music. Let the music influence the characters, the scenes and the relationships but also learn how to make montages, dances, edits and more all with the power of music. After this workshop, you will be able to set down scenes with different uses of music. Let the beat control your body.

Duration 3h.

  • The workshop takes place at Tallinna Rahvaülikool (Vene 6, Tallinn) on the 19th of April from 15-18
  • The working language in the workshop is English but we're happy to help if you need some things translated (to Estonian)
  • Price: 40€
  • The number of spots is limited. You're welcome to get your ticket from HERE!