Shifting gears


Shifting gears

Improvisational theater comes in many forms and often troupes specialize in a particular style. Some will talk a lot during their scenes, others focus on silence, some groups love making small talk and others focus purely on the relationships between the characters. But what would happen if you changed the style you are playing in in the middle of the scene? That is what you are going to discover in this workshop.
The goal is to learn to shift styles and speeds during the scene. You will create dynamic scenes that can make small talk all of a sudden very important for the characters and switch from talking heads into beautiful silent moments. I will hand you an easy-to-remember system with which you can consciously switch back and forth between different styles for the good of the scene.

Duration 3h.

  • The workshop takes place at Tallinna Rahvaülikool (Vene 6, Tallinn) on the 19th of April from 11-14
  • The working language in the workshop is English but we're happy to help if you need some things translated (to Estonian)
  • Price: 40€
  • The number of spots is limited. You're welcome to get your ticket from HERE!